Evert Meulie (@meulie)

Sarpsborg, Norway

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @meulie, between Mar 7th, 2007 & June 12th, 2023 (this is when Elon Musk turned off the API this archive depended on ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ ).

May 26th, 2011

Ever wondered what they do at the airport with left behind luggage? http://www.viddler.com/t…

via Chromed Bird

A good time to switch to Android // RT @heatherAtaylor: Alas, no new phone & would be £130 to fix.

via Chromed Bird

@BasBNCP Zit jij er ook bij? Of alleen je oppasser/verzorger? ;-)

via Chromed Bird in reply to BasBNCP

IPnieuws AIVD ontraadt ambtenaren gebruik Whatsapp http://goo.gl/dH0LW

via web (retweeted on 2:20 PM, May 26th, 2011 via <a href="https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/encaiiljifbdbjlphpgpiimidegddhic" rel="nofollow">Chromed Bird</a>)

@BoswachterNHD Da’s waar… Maar wel met je mond dicht fietsen, anders is het fietsen & lunchen tegelijk ;-)

via web in reply to BoswachterNHD

@JonasMGA …and now I finally managed to fix the top menu of the site as well, so that this page can be accessed by others! ;-)

via web in reply to JonasMGA

@BoswachterNHD En? Hoeveel heb jij er vandaag om zeep geholpen? http://s.meulie.net/jxuD…

via bitly

@rockitwithjbird Moving a few time zones east each week ;-)
(or is it west…?)

via Plume   in reply to rockitwithjbird