Gran dolor de cabeza, so I’m off to bed #headache #seeyouinmydreams
JACKassSPARROW Water is just coffee that hasn’t reached it’s full potential.
@biepbiep Zijn ze ook allemaal half zo oud als jij? ;-)
Twins are born as copies, but can become originals. RT @CaliLewis You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.
wereldomroep Niet te bloot naar het politiebureau: Het moet maar eens afgelopen zijn met het zedeloze gedrag van mensen……
@darkyy92 Sorry, currently only in the market for something 10” Android :-)
Why??? Why would ANYONE want a phone without Darky’s ROM?? RT @darkyy92: @meulie yes, special internal version but I can remove it.
Is it running Darky’s ROM? // RT @darkyy92: Anyone wants to buy my Nexus S (Super AMOLED) - brand new, warranty for 500 CHF
Kom op, dames! Afdoen en inleveren! RT @IPnieuws: Bib doet mee aan inzameling oude beha’s… #BH #beha
Bill Cosby Introduces Self-Titled App.… Now that’s just sad… #BillCosby #fail
IPnieuws Bibliotheek Limmen dicht…
Dutch marines captured by pro-Gadhafi forces -… #Libya
LordStewie If a tomato is a fruit, then isn’t ketchup technically a smoothie?
mashable iPad 2 Rollout Leads to Massive Deflation in Secondary Market -
Doubts that @stephenfry can wait until the 25th to get his hands on an #Ipad2 in the UK