@supercurio Tell those few whiners to go… err… vibrate themselves. You product rocks!
HDonoho It would’ve been nice if the ipad2 could of waited a half a second longer to make me hate my ipad1. #ElectronicDecencyDefied
@PeerIndex Be gentle with him, or he might go for the bottle again! ;-)
@simoncast Don’t disappoint poor Charlie too much, or he might pick up the bottle again ;-)
Now @charliesheen is listed at @klout . Still a no-show at @PeerIndex though…
Apple store is closed again. Do #Apple computers have as much #downtime as http://store.apple.com/ ?
@corinekimball Not a bad translation! :-)
You Dutch, or is Google Translate helping you out? ;-)
wikileaks Qaddafi Military Spending Below Sweden | Bloomberg http://is.gd/0OXaKD
techdirt IEEE Decides That Its Own Profits Are More Important Than Sharing Knowledge http://dlvr.it/J34Zp
@spoonapps I think the new ‘feature’ just hit me: Getting ‘Unable to contact the application server’…
11.6 Hours Scam Spreading on Twitter [WARNING] http://s.meulie.net/i1It… #twitter #scam
CaptPaulWatson The Aurora Australis - Southern Lights http://twitpic.com/45c2kf
Toll: Dyrere fortolling - DinSide Økonomi: http://www.dinside.no/86… #Toll #Norge #fail
Who said what? @charliesheen v Muammar Gaddafi http://s.meulie.net/hUvH…
No sign of @charliesheen yet in neither @klout nor @PeerIndex …
@JeriLRyan We joined twitter eons ago, and have ‘a few’ followers. @charliesheen joins a few hours ago: > 500.000! #notfair
@gvanlee ik te voet, over sneeuw en ijs
@gvanlee op weg naar mijn eerste …