Dear @LeoDiCaprio , you have a dream within a dream within a dream. You’re just giving me more chances.
Sincerely, Freddy Kreuger
Well, he _is_ a lot more musical than this Dutchman… // RT @EosChater: Twitter has told me to follow Andre Rieu. That is all.
thinkgeek Hey kids, don’t chat with hairy men in sleeveless t-shirts… via MS Word? 90s PSA on Internet Safety:
@EosChater Always welcome. Got some tea to go with it? :-)
@JosK Jij weer op de glasplaat gezeten om je derrière te Xeroxen? ;-)
@DavidGArnold You guys still don’t drink coffee in the UK? ;-)
mashable 50% of Tweets Consumed Come From Only 0.05% of Twitter Users [STUDY] -
Time for some shut-eye… See you all again tomorrow! :-)