@Philbradley Cataloging people? You a librarian or something? ;-)
FreddyAmazin You never really learn to swear until you start driving.
axisofawesome About to go on stage in Stockholm - 650 Swedens in the audience, sounding pumped!
Relaxing on the sofa with (a paper edition of) the Reader’s Digest #RD
@Dutchcowboy And how do you like that HD 7.0… err… 0.7MP camera? ;-)
@gvanlee Email je ze toch even? [email protected]
@EosChater Lucky you! Who my boss is depends on the (time of) day. Can be the company CEO, or my 2.5 year old son.
@EosChater Does your boss read your tweets? ;-)
@GeorgeTakei Feel free to leave out ‘this year’ in that tweet ;-)
@DavidGArnold Brainy person? Greet Stephen Hawking from me!
Recipe for an 80’s computer ad: 1 computer, 1 @JohnCleese , and 1 dead fish. http://s.meulie.net/fO7h…
Romulan Ale: It’s what keeps @levarburton on his feet! http://www.thinkgeek.com… @thinkgeek
Jeremy: (To @stephenfry) Have you, um, have you been to the Isle of Man?
Stephen: Yes, you go to the airport, (cont) http://tl.gd/9fl8rk
@MrWestern They pooped on the street while walking their dogs? ;-)
@EosChater Not all that different from your pic on Twitter. Someone could even be mistaken and think you are holding an ice pick on it ;-)
@EosChater A pic like http://s.meulie.net/igj7… ?
The Japanese can repair a road like this in six days: http://aol.it/ifzwLx Mesta, watch and learn! #Mesta #Norge
@EosChater Wouldn’t hurt to include a pic of yourself every now and then ;-)
@EosChater …for free, that is.
@EosChater WordPress is the way to go. No doubt about that. Set up your own at Wordpress.com, or I can host it for you :-)
@biepbiep Is niet zo erg hoor, meissie. Probeer het over een paar weken lekker weer.
@JayDoubleJoe Nope. AS is de Noorse afkorting voor waar men in Nederland NV (of misschien BV) gebruikt.
Dell AS Norge - Their office in… Bratislava?? http://www.gulesider.no/… #Dell #fail
wavded It is true, IE9 does download FF faster than any other IE. Woot :)
Didn’t pass the test. Better luck next time, I guess…
Clear all roads! D minus 5 minutes! http://evert.meulie.net/… #Sarpsborg #warning
I’m gonna take my first stab at getting a driving license today, 1 month shy of my 39th birthday.
@MrWestern Stick to Chrome