All it’s good for is visiting to get a GOOD browser! #Chrome RT @birgerweb Firefox4! The mojo is back!
@Twiet_Ti Goed idee. Heb ik ook :-)
Enjoy! // RT @MrWestern: Scary tools..
LordStewie Ever wonder if the money in your wallet has ever been in a strippers butt crack? Bet you are now. :)
@altibox Any chance #Altibox will be adding #Dutch channels to their wide variety of TV-kanaler? ;-)
Galaxy Tab: Will 8.9” be large enough..? #Samsung #GalaxyTab
Radiation levels higher in Oslo than in Tokyo… #Norge #Norway #Japan #radiation
@johndalton If we don’t hear from you within a week, we’ll ass-u-me it was a lethal one ;-)
@johndalton Check it out here:…
thinkgeek Highly illogical. Star Trek theme on a saw, in the subway: Wah waahhh w-w-w-waaahhhhh!